
VDx® AIV qRT-PCR set

Differential diagnosis of AIV common genes and subtypes qRT-PCR set


VDx® AIV qRT PCR set is a genetic testing reagent set that uses primers and probes targeting specific gene regions for the detection of avian influenza virus (AIV) in samples suspected of infection. This set enables real time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (Real time RT PCR) to detect AIV positivity and distinguish between AIV subtypes H5 H7 and H9 using two types of Premix.


  • VDx® AIV qRT PCR set_AIV qRT PCR Ver 3 0 Premix (A) is a gene testing product developed based on a region in the M gene, which does not have mutations, and can universally test for 16 different HA serotypes of type A avian influenza virus, regardless of subtype.
  • VDx® AIV qRT PCR set_AIV H5/7/9 MP qRT PCR Premix (B) is a genetic testing reagent that can distinguish AIV H5, H7 and H9 from samples confirmed to be AIV positive by Premix (A).

※ For Research Use Only (RUO).
Intended use Differential diagnosis of AIV common genes and subtypes
Specimens Respiratory swabs, cloacal swabs, and feces supernatant after dilution with 10 PBS
Species Poultry: ducks, chickens, and wild birds, etc.
Method Multiplex Real-time RT-PCR, qRT-PCR

Diagnostic SOP of VDx ® AIV qRT PCR


Product information

Cat No. Product name Packing unit Manual
NP-AIV-3B VDx® AIV qRT-PCR set_AIV qRT-PCR Ver 3.0 Premix (A) 96 Tests/Kit median@mediandx.com
NP-AIV-3C VDx® AIV qRT-PCR set_AIV H5/7/9 MP qRT-PCR Premix (B) 96 Tests/Kit median@mediandx.com
NP-AIV-3B,3C VDx® AIV qRT-PCR set 96 Tests x 2/Box median@mediandx.com

Related monoclonal antibody

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